Sunday, February 7, 2010

Please take a look at my blog

Take a look into my pee stick and tell me what you see!! Please tell me I'm not imagining things. Click on the photos for a better look. I'm 8dp3dt

Fearlessly Infertile


  1. Especially the second picture...I can see a faint line. How many days post 3dt are you? Check it tomorrow a.m. for sure. How long after you tested did you see the line?

  2. Christa, if someone was getting a BFN on 8dp3dt we'd all say it's still to early, I definitely see a 2nd faint line :), by the time your beta comes around it will be really dark!

  3. yep yep yep...i see the same line i saw on mine at 7dp3dt. And im preggo!!! Good luck. I just poas again last night to make sure it was still, crazy i know! And my tests were always darker at night...the morning pee wasnt the best for me.

  4. I'm 8dp3dt. This is my second test but yesterday's was EPT Digital and was negative. This one is First Response. I thought the morning pee was best. Maybe I'll test tomorrow night and see what it looks like. Do you hold it in your urine stream or pee in a cup and dip it? I dipped mine yesterday but peed on the stick today.

  5. That's a nice faint line you've got there. ;) Yep...I see it, too.

  6. I had the dollar tree tests, so theyre like a card. Had to use a dropper.

  7. Yeah Christa, I can sooo see a line there too. I hope it keeps getting darker and daker!!
