Saturday, February 6, 2010

Patients I have met (a.k.a. ho-bags you may know)....

These are seriously people I have encountered. I really applaud whoever made these.


  1. WOW! lol....You get a gold star for dealing with dumb stuff like that. I think people like that would be better off in a ditch somewhere.

  2. AH HA HA HA HA HA! :D I can't wait to show these to my husband, he worked in the ER for awhile. He's gonna dieeeeee. Thank you bbchi, priceless!

  3. Oh my god we have these people in Aus too!!!!

    Sometimes I wonder if my job is a nurse or maid???

    I would love to be able to nanny cam some of our pt's. But the whole confidentiality thing spoils that fun.

    I will never forget having a "discussion" with a pt who just had major bowel surgery about why he was not allowed to have beer every day. His arguement was that he was on a clear fluid diet and beer was clear.

    Another pt after being rushed into theatre from ER, then onto my ward complained he was not given a choice of room. Last time he had a room on the other side of the ward that had more light. He nearly dies and is worried about not having the best room in the hotel, um I mean hospital. I switched on every single light in the room incl the examination light.

    Oh so many more stories I would love to share!

  4. keep sharing summer! i actually kind of like the guy who wanted a beer post op. clear liquid---ha!

  5. "Mountain Dew and Marlboro at Walmart with my food stamp money..." LMFAO. SO TRUE!

  6. I was on call one night and the house supervisor calls me in for a nosebleed to be taken to the OR. I get to the ER to pick him up and he's still completely clothed - motorcycle boots and all. And I'm talking big clunky boots. This guy REFUSED to take his boots off. I'm not the one to argue about something that petty, so I wheel him into the OR with his boots on. We did manage to get him into a hospital gown, but this guy was HILARIOUS.. hospital gown and motorcycle boots wreaking of smoke. Oh my gosh - priceless. Some patients..
