Thursday, February 4, 2010

Up to Speed

A day or two ago, the original Confessions thread was locked by a mod and we were instructed to start a new Confessions thread each week.  A few of us joked that we must be getting closed down because of our mouthing-off about Dave's FT Profile/Crap-for-prizes Contest, which many of us found strange, insulting, and insensitive.

The girls didn't hold back, they told the mod, Dave, and anyone who would listen how they felt about the contest, and questioned the convenient timing of the thread lock-down.  We asked if we could do a monthly thread instead of weekly...a compromise.  "No," was the answer.

The ensuing events are a bit of a blur...but, posts started disappearing, threads were gone...I was in the process of sending my email address in a PM to Mango, just in case something crazy we'd still be able to have contact, and when I clicked "Send" I received a ban message.  It said "Reason for Ban: None Given"...and looked to me as if I was banned until 08-02-2010...that's right, 6 months to the day.  I went numb!  I started Googling any and every screen name I could remember...hoping to contact at least one of you girls so we could find a way to come back together elsewhere.

I decided to start a blog (a first for me) and include everyone's names I could remember, and certain important keywords, hoping someone else would start Googling and find the blog.  After I got the blog set up, I decided to try a different computer in the house, because up until that point, I hadn't even been able to see FT, let alone post.  Wooooo, I could see FT on the other computers, what a relief.  Apparently Kiellara had come up with a similar idea and had posted a link to her newly formed Google Group, Who Shot My Stork?  I joined her group, sent her a link to the blog...and we were in business!

Since then, many more girls have received bans from FT after posting links to Who Shot My Stork? and Confessions: A Free-Speech Community for IVF Girls.  Putting their FT active status on the line, girl after girl has posted and PMd in an attempt to reach the Lost Girls.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us rebuild our community. 

(I'm sure I've left out some important stuff...feel free to start a post with other "good memories" if you're an author.  And if you're not an author, send me your email address and I'll send you an author invite!)

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