Friday, February 5, 2010

"First Page" aka What's Your Status?

I've set up a "What's Your Status?" section here on the blog which will serve the same function as the 'First Page' on our old FT cycle threads.  This is where we'll keep track of what stage everyone is in with their cycles.  I've tried to gather as much info as I could from Who Shot My Stork? and the posts and comments here on the blog.  If anyone is missing or would like their status updated, leave a comment below this post and we'll take care of it ASAP.


  1. oh cool, I think I get the jiff of it now...DUHHHH lol

  2. I'm doing nadda right now so I guess I can't be on your list :(

  3. Krissy,

    You DO have a spot on the would fall under the "Stalkers/Moral Support" category. We're glad to have you here!

  4. I didn't realize there were so many in the 2ww

    Super GOOD luck, Hope it's GREAT news!!

  5. KB - I had my retrieval on Tues. My 3 day report was (6) 8 cell embies, (2) 7 cell, (1) 6 cell. Transfer is planned for Sunday! I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out, so forgive me if I'm posting in some crazy places LOL :)

  6. Also, KB - I tried to email you from your page but it won't let me click on email. Can you send a request to Thank you!

  7. ooh ooh!! update me me!!! : ) I have my first ultrasound on 2/12

  8. LOL Golde, didn't I have you on there? Look to your left. :P I love your enthusiasm!!!

  9. Beta 13th Feb. As an author how can I update the "whats your status page"? Or can't I?

    This is an online tutorial session as well as a support network. Now I feel better with how much time I spend here!

  10. KB---you've got this blog shit down!! We should have gotten our asses kicked off FT much sooner!!

  11. lol KB..I added myself yesterday after you gave me admin

  12. thanks for making this - it looks like i start lupron on 2/24... oh and DH got a second opinion about his male factor and it looks like he does have variocele - bilateral!! it just keeps getting better...

  13. Hi girls! I'm finally here! It's me creepyhiker! Lol.

  14. Oh and I'm waiting to start a fet. Bcp when af arrives in like 3 weeks. I have 2 embies that I hope survive the thaw.

  15. Me too, me too! I am waiting to start my FET. I have a few more tests to do in the next week and then we will get the show on the road!! Spring FET sounds good to me!!
