Thursday, February 25, 2010

response to Krissy - natural FET

Krissy, my RE thinks that, I ovulate on my own (though irregular cycles). So they monitor the time of ovulation by doing US & measuring follicle size. When the follicle reaches 18-20 mm size, give HCG injection & then transfer blasts after few days (I think 5 days). Then take progesterone.
There is no BCP or Lupron, etc. Also if something does not look right, like the lining is not thick enough, etc they will cancel the cycle, embies remain frozen.
Also they have asked me to do LH tests at home, just in case there is a surge between US.
RE says if they have to cancel this one, they will do medicated cycle next time.


  1. Ok, Sounds like it's alot less harsh on the body. I also ovulate on my own so maybe that's why he wants me to do natural FET. I'm nervous about it but I'm sure he knows what he's doing. Hopefully this is the way to go for us, keeping everything crossed.

    Thanks for replying to promptly :)

  2. Yes, its better to try this first & the good part is if something is not right, it can be canceled w/o affecting embies. And we have not taken meds or invested lot of money, so the cancellation does not feel so bad.

    When do you start your cycle?

  3. I can start anytime but I'm taking time off to lose some of the weight I put on this last year. I want to try in a few months. My mind and body are just not ready after everything I've went through. I figure better prepare myself now and help make my chances a little stronger.

  4. I did a "natural" fet. So much easier than IVF.
