Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bitchy Uterus?? (Posted on Google, too.)

Okay, I remember this happening every cycle, but I want to know if it
is just the Progesterone or if maybe my uterus is being a bitch. And,
yes, I am obsessing. Of course.
During my 2ww I always have shooting pains that last a second that
shoot through my uterus area down through my pubes, inner cramping
that seems to be coming from inside my uterus, and AF cramping the
whole way through the 2ww. (Well, right now I am blaming the cramping
on retrieval, but it is there.)
I can't help but wonder if this cramping (that comes every time
without fail) is either a reaction to the Progesterone or a physical
manifestation of my uterus bitch-slapping those poor embryos.

Thoughts, anyone?


  1. I would prefer to think of your uterus as a fat, overzealous, Russian mother...hugging your embryos with wild abandon.

  2. lol
    No, she's definitely like Ursula, waving her evil trident and zapping away the poor unfortunate souls.

  3. Then...she must be DEFEATED! It's 2 embryos on 1 uterus...GO EMBRYOS!

  4. We need to send in some troops. Would Joan be willing to help out? Although, I am not quite sure how I can stuff a unicorn up my va-jaja.

  5. no....I think just use some honey for lube!

  6. As usual, I can't think of a damn thing to post that would top what KB75 has already posted.
    I salute you.
