Friday, February 19, 2010

And the verdict is....

...I'm pregnant!!! So this is what it feels like? Actually, it doesn't feel like anything right now. I'm even finding it hard to believe because I don't "feel" pregnant. But obviously it's also still very early and there are still lots of hurdles to jump. My beta was 104, estrogen 177, and progesterone 21. I really know nothing about what the estrogen and progesterone levels should be. Anyone know anything about those two? My RE actually told me that my estrogen is a little lower than what they would like (he told me the number they want it to be but I don't remember what it was) so he's having me up my Estrace dose. Other than that he says things look good.

I go in for a 2nd beta on Monday 02/22 and then I'll have a 3rd beta the following week and then finally the 1st u/s the week after that.

I'm very excited but still cautious. DH and I have decided not to tell anyone until Easter weekend which will put me at 10 weeks. We just feel like we'll be able to breathe easier then and feel more at ease in knowing things will work out. Right now the only two people who even know about our IVF adventuers is my sister and boss. I'll tell both of them the good news because they've been there for me through everything and because they know how to keep their mouths shut when it comes to other people's business. :o)


  1. Congrats Beka...very happy for you!!! Progesterone has to be more than 15. I don't really think there's a set value for estrogen although your clinic may have something they like. (keep in mind...there is a fair amount of reproductive medicine and medicine in general that is a bit of voodoo....or fairy dust, if you will.)

  2. Beka....congrats!!! Enjoy the moment! :)

  3. Congrats Beka! this is amazing. 104 is a really good start.
    What did you do this time? IVF or FET?

  4. Thanks guys! I'm definitely enjoying it. :o) Curious: I did FET this time and transfered a Lone Ranger.

  5. CONGRATS!!! i just knew it with your symptoms the other day :)

  6. Beka, that's awesome. I'll be doing FET in March... you have just raised my hopes !!
    Did you do natural cycle or with meds?

  7. Yayyy BEKA, that's AWESOME news. Enjoy every moment of it!!

  8. Golde: Yeah, I guess you had some similar syptoms, huh? :o)
    Curious: I'm glad I could raise your hopes! I was on meds. I started Lupron on CD21, had a supression check just like an IVF cycle, then started estrace pills. The meds aren't bad it just seems like a really long process! It's no longer than an IVF cycle but you have less monitoring appointments which made me feel like I was just waiting and waiting without getting anywhere. But it was so worth the wait! :o)

  9. Congratulations, Beka!!!! Let's hear it for those Lone Rangers ...
