Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Birthday Girl

I’ve never been the type of person who advertised or was excited about her birthday. Well, maybe up until I was 21. But after that, I never really cared – it was just another day spent in school or at work, and I was too busy with life to make a fuss or have a fuss be made over me. If my family wanted to take me out to dinner, that made me happy enough.

I thought turning 30 was soooo cool; I loved my life at that age. When I was 31, oh I had a fantastic year. I was even proud to say I was 32. Sure, I’d have my moments where the acceleration of the passage of time would hit me: “OMG I can’t believe I’m already in my 30s…man I’m OLD! Wasn’t it just yesterday I was stumbling home and puking my brains out after having too many Patron shots in celebration of the end of final exams?!?!”

(Yes I still get drunk, and yes I even occasionally puke – but you get the point.)

Well, I recently came upon my 34th birthday. And when the day arrived, I woke up, stayed in bed, and sobbed…and sobbed…and sobbed. And sobbed again. My phone was busy with happy birthday calls and text messages – all of which I ignored. It wasn’t a “happy birthday” at all. It was a horrible birthday, the worst birthday I’ve ever had.

Now, I have NEVER cried about getting older. But this birthday – this day – I was bonafide depressed, and couldn’t get out of it. Not because I am getting older per se, but because I am getting older while the rest of my life remains held back and on hold. I can’t move forward in my career – the career I so badly wanted. I turn down work because it will interfere with an IVF cycle. I can’t plan trips with friends. Hell, I can’t even plan a damn spa day with girlfriends. I avoid certain people and places because I am sick of putting on an act when the “So…when are you two planning on having kids?” question comes up. My husband never knows when he should request vacation time. The prior vacation times he’s received were wasted because we were stuck in town awaiting treatments.

My last birthday, I was still a happy person. Everything in our lives had fallen into place. True, by that time we were in the care of an RE, we were “infertility patients,” and all three IUIs had failed. And though I was terrified of IVF, and didn’t want to be one of “those people” who had to use IVF to get pregnant, I still had hope – no, CONFIDENCE – that IVF was going to be the answer. Because hey, we were “young,” and they couldn’t find anything wrong with us, so IVF was sure to work.

At least I’d finally have a child, and would be able to move on with my life.

And fit in.

And not feel like an awkward outcast at every social situation where the mommies would cluster together and I’d be left out.

At least I’d have a 2010 baby.

At least I’d have my first child before 35.

Hell, maybe by 34, I’d be pregnant again with #2.

So when I turned 34, 365 days later yet not one step closer to being pregnant, not only with no answers, but more questions instead, it hit me hard. I am one year closer to being in the next box, the 35-and-over box, the box where they say my chances of ever conceiving, even with the most advanced treatment medicine has to offer, plummet. If my chances were so good over the past year and it didn’t work, why should I think that it will work during the next year? Do I give up when I turn 35? Do I give up now?

I am now ashamed to admit my age. Now, when people think or say, “You should hurry up, time’s running out!” I have to agree with them.

Thanks a lot, IF.


  1. mango - i'm sorry you had such a shitty birthday. when you're actively going through IF, i agree that they're just a reminder that things aren't going to get easier. i also hear you about the job stuff - i have an MBA and a once amazing career that i am now squandering because of this crap. my job required A LOT of travel and i literally can't do it and do this at the same time - so i think we're definitely in the same boat. i'm hoping to get back to it eventually, but right now, this is the priority.

    anyway, (warning: i am just going to let out a small unicorn fart here) i really think you haven't been on the ideal protocol/dose yet. your body, IN EVERY ONE OF YOUR CYCLES, has been way overstimulated. i know that some women are still able to get pregnant under those circumstances, but MANY cannot - i am one of them. i think that if your RE gets his shit together and really THINKS HARD about it and uses LOGIC (which it sounds like he's starting to since he decided to freeze all instead of transfer), you guys will likely find success.

    i'm praying that those 10+ embryos you have frozen have at least one baby-to-be in there.

    feel better soon. *hugs*

  2. Mango- Birthdays aren't something to celebrate right now... I agree. I understand how IF consumes our life. Recently some well-meaning fertile friends gave me advice that I mustn't let it consume me... I should just keep living normally. HAH. It's not possible. Most of the IF literature says that while you're in treatment, it's completely normal to be consumed by it. It's true. How can you schedule ANYTHING? My DH's vacation time is just building up... luckily he doesn't lose his. I feel like if I get pregnant now, I will always be an old mommy. There is no way to turn back time. One good thing for me is my DH is much older- so I guess I'll always look young compared to him.
    I hope your week gets better. (((Hugs)))

  3. I love this post, Mango. It breaks my heart. I can relate to so much of it. Thank you for sharing it with the blog community.

  4. Why might it work this year when it didn't last year?

    Just like Pemmie said, you still haven't had a cycle where you (or we) felt your doctor had a handle on things and responded to your hyper-stimming as aggressively as he needed to, that's why.

    Because my cycle at 34yo was a BFFN (ya know?) and my cycle at 35yo - ER was the day before my 35th bday - was a success (because the doctor cut WAY back on meds).

  5. Ah yes... those birthdays. I seem to have lost track of the rising numbers after I hit 30, but now that I am approaching 40 I feel like I can't ignore the giagantic pink dancing hippo in the room anymore. I am older and none the wiser. I have spent the better part of my 30s trying to catch up with everyone around me and I dare say, it's aged me probably more than if I had decided at 30 to not have kids (wouldn't have been a choice).
    I have to agree with the posts about your protocol - it just sucks that with every try it not only sucks the life outta ya, but it takes some of the precious time left in our magic youthful bottles.
    I am thinking about you and hope for better days and birthdays ahead!!

  6. Gosh, sometimes it kills me to read all of your posts. It's like something I could've written, thoughts stolen out of my own head (Infertile Mind Snatchers...Rated R for foul language). My DH has to select his vacations every year in November. He gets 2 that are both a bit over 2 wks long. It was always so stressful and so depressing for me when those vaction picks loomed ahead and I had no idea how to pick his time so it would coincide w/a baby.

    I also remember starting IVF and how I was so EXCITED! Finally the answer to our problems! Not so much. And the patients asking me every 5 minutes when we were having kids. They give me funny almost disapproving looks when I say we don't have any...especially as the birthdays go by and my wrinkles increase.

    I know we are hopefully winning the battle...but will I ever forget all these horrible feelings? Probably not.

    I can tell you this...DO NOT GIVE UP. You want a baby, you deserve a baby, and some way or another you will get one. Hopefully with this next FET.

  7. Thinking of you! I just had that milestone "35" and it was a tough one. It's hard to have your life on hold while you continue to age and the world moves on it seems. Hoping that we both are able to "move on" to the next phase of parenting very soon!

  8. mango - i understand. i felt that same way when i turned 34... it was a terrible birthday. and now i'm 35 and i feel old and strange and out of place that i don't yet have kids and i AM in that box. that next box of statistics... and i still don't have any answers either.

    i'm thinking of you and hoping you can find some peace in your birthday.

  9. Mangles, Happy Birthday, girl. I should have known you were a Gemini, like me. My birthday is Tuesday. And guess what? I'm going to be 43. You're 34 ... so we're like evil dyslexic twins or something. :)

    I haven't had a birthday without a panic attack in years. This one should be better, but there are new panics to worry about. I don't have any words of wisdom for you, but never fear - I'm working on a few knock-knock jokes.

    I hope this year is your year. In fact, I officially declare it "The Year of Mangopuppy." It's a royal proclamation from the Baroness von Utero.

  10. You guys are the best. You always get it. Thank you. <3

  11. Heres to the gemini's. My birthday was monday, the 24th. and the chinese year...this isnt year of the dog. Its the year of mangopuppy : )

  12. Happy birthday Mango and Golde!! I was still blissfully unaware (or just avoiding thinking about it) when I was in my 30s. Now I'm 44 and realize I will be the ancient mom and I feel bad for my future child that they won't have a young energetic mom. (That just pushes me to exercise more so I can stay healthy until I'm 100.) My birthday this year was not easy. A number of people told me "it's just one more day" which I agree in principle, but my days are flying past and there is a time limit on this baby stuff. I don't think I'm helping you....but I will say that you aren't alone.

  13. I am also 35 this year. In dec. And there was me thinking we would have 2 possibly 3 kids by now. How very very very wrong. We all feel the same mango It sure does suck.

  14. exactly how i felt on my 40th. just wtf. didn't want to get out of bed.

  15. So sorry you have to feel like this. It's totally not fair. PLEASE don't give up.
