Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gardasil and Infertility?

Hey, girls!
Recently, someone mentioned something to me about the link between Gardasil (HPV vaccine) and autoimmune disorders, and I immediately became nervous because, back in college, I had been part of the clinical trials for that vaccine. I was not ever told whether I had the placebo or the real deal, but I have had autoimmune problems that presented about 4 years after I completed the study.
I had been wondering if the vaccine could also cause infertility, and I wondered if anyone has heard anything concerning this. If you ask Dr. Google, it is a possibility.


  1. Hello, Joan - your post came through on Google Alert and that is how I became aware of your concern. Unfortunately, the answer to both of your question is "yes," even though we are not sure of the extent of the infertility. Many women who have experienced adverse reactions have annovulatory cycles (lack of ovulation) and it is very common. You can find out more information at and

    I am a part of an international group of parents concerned about the vaccine. Six of us presented to the FDA in March - that is on the TAG web site under FDA webinar documents. Please contact me at if you have more questions. We are working with professional trying to find a cure for these issue.

    Kind regards,

  2. There were 463 reports of "incident condition(s)potentially indicative of a systemic autoimmune disorder after enrollment in clinical triala of Gardasil." And these are only the ones that occurred during or shortly after the trials.

    It really does not matter whether you had the 'placebo' or not, because the so-called placebo was not saline--the ingredients were virtually identical to Gardasil, except for the virus like particles.

  3. Sorry. I don't believe any of these people that have busted in on our blog. I konw of no scientific evidence of such an issue with Gardasil. Or any other vaccine either. Unfortunately, as much as some would like to, we can't blame all of our problems on vaccines.

  4. Hello,

    Firstly I would like to know what credentials you have to offer opinions like this. I know parents want to always do what is best for their children however I would want concrete opinions from professionals in the field with direct experience.

    Babywarrior - add this to the questions for next appt with RE.

    BBchi - I got your back girl. You know your shit. And have an ob/gyn title! With a parent title soon!

  5. I can't BELIEVE they called me Joan!! WHAAAA????
    How did they get here? Reading that, I was TOTALLY freaking!!! These people are making the conspiracy theorist in me go apeshit!
    I believe bbchi. Thanks, girl.

    Although, it did feel good to become the fertility goddess in someone's eyes.
