Tuesday, April 6, 2010

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

How many of our girls will now come out of anesthesia after ER talking about
Joan and/or unicorns?  Wish I could be there to see the doctor's/nurse's


  1. ahahaaaaahahaha!! the land of the blueberries where she ate onions - hilarious...

  2. WHAT was she on? That is not your everyday anesthesia.

  3. hahaha! poor girl! My friend (another IFVer) told our RE he had floofy hair and she would cut it for him when she was coming out of anesthesia. (she's a hairstylist and he does have longer hair for a man!)
    She was mortified afterward.

  4. When I was there for my last transfer, there was a ED there in the room beside me. I tried not to listen in on her, but jeesh... only a curtain separating us... She'd never been under anesthesia before & was very scared of the whole idea. Well, when she came out, the poor thing was bawling. She was asking the nurse if she would be able to think by next week 'cause she couldn't think and she had an exam coming. My DH & I were torn between feeling sorry for her & our laughing fits.

  5. Think this is why cameras are not allowed into hospitals!!!

  6. Oh my god I just watched Ellen and this chick was on there!
