Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Update on~ The Today Show~ segment!!

In case any of you were wanting to watch the infertility segment that I am going to be in ~ it's been moved to tomorrow (Thursday) morning around 9am. I will be at work, so I have to DVR it. I hope it goes well.


  1. so glad i caught this post! I just changed my dvr!!! Cant wait to cheer you on!!

  2. Thanks, BBB! Gotta remember to set it up for recording when I go downstairs. :)

  3. Rats, I'm going to miss it. Can you get to it online afterwards, does anyone know?
    Hey BBB, be sure to remember us "little people" when you're a famous infertility advocate!

  4. argh - i missed it! can someone give a synopsis?

  5. Yay! You did GREAT! I didn't hear absolutely everything 'cause I was at the gym, but what I heard was right on. I thought they did a good job talking about the emotional struggle that we go through. Yay for you!

  6. I agree - I just watched it online - and you did great! Thank you for putting yourself out there for all of us.

    Here's the link to the video online:

  7. Thanks for sharing the link. It's even better when I could hear everything!
